I Have Something In Common w/ Sacagawea

Sacagawea may be best-known as the Native-American woman on the dollar coin, but for those of you who may have forgotten some U.S. history, she was the guide that helped Lewis and Clark explore new territory. That’s what we’re doing at the Children’s Acting Academy this year.

We’re breaking with our tradition of doing only established musicals to go in not one, but two new directions this season.

We’re working with the multitalented Ivy Vale and Rick Reil to produce the world premiere of their astounding new musical, OUT OF MY COMFORT ZONE. With an all new original score and book, OUT OF MY COMFORT ZONE is a middle school-age musical that deals with issues of self-identity, gender, love, expectations, stereotypes, bullying, and friendship. We’re holding auditions on Sunday, October 5th, with a premiere date TBA in February, 2015.


Recording a song from OUT OF MY COMFORT ZONE.

We can’t wait to not only premiere the show, but to tour it in middle schools around the area.

Our second venture into new territory is the play AND A CHILD SHALL LEAD, a powerful and moving story of young children in the Terzin concentration camp. The play deals with suffering from a unique perspective, and is written to be cast as multiracial and multiethnic. We hope to make this a truly educational experience, with visits to local museums, discussions and possibly guest speakers.

We don’t know exactly where this new path will lead, but can’t wait to go down it with a dedicated, talented group of people who are, much like Lewis and Clark, willing to take a leap of faith, and let us be their Sacagawea.